Medical Intuitivion Level 2

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Thyroid (5).png

Medical Intuitivion Level 2

Sale Price:$680.00 Original Price:$750.00

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Medical Intuitive

Develop Medical Intuitive Skills for Your Physical Health

Manifest Positive Energy in Your Body

 Pituitary & Pancreas Glands

Medical Intuitive Skills for Your Physical Health



  • Awaken your psychic abilities

  • Learn how to be in the right place at the right time

  • Learn how to help you make decisions in times of crises and in everyday life

  • Recognise when thoughts affect your immunity

  • Learn how the virus affects your thoughts

  • Develop effective strategies to make clear decisions for your future

  • Train your intuitive energy to enhance the growth of neurones in your brain for healing

  • Hear tones to heal your body

  • Be one step ahead of the virus

  • Meditation to harmonise the 7 glands in your body

  • Learn how the Direction Technique can calm your nervous system and glands

  • Have the ability to see your own future using your intuitive senses

  • Learn how group thinking attracts illness

  • Discover how thoughts affect your immunity

  • Heal the beliefs that affect your immunity

  • Heal the beliefs that attract Herpes, shingles, chicken pox and new strains of viruses

  • Be strong around group thinking when the Influenza affects your nervous system

  • Learn how Sound Vibrations heal cells in the body

  • Rid the confusion in your life

rain your visionary skills to observe the energy in the Adrenal, Pituitary, Pancreas Glands and stimulate energy for these three glands.
This course teaches you how to hologram (Heal the stories, trauma or perceptions why your body or mind develops an illness, mental fatigue or tiredness).

The concept of remote viewing of the body is an ancient tradition in ancient medicine. To find the origin of a problem, one needs to train intuitive skills or psychic knowledge. This can be done in numerous different ways. Call it an extra sense or developing and trusting the ability to use multiple new senses. Over the years, I have witnessed many new intuitive senses with people. Some people are confident to feel, see, visualize, know, smell, touch, and read the future. The skill of a medical intuitive knows how to track or trail a body’s anatomy system to find the origins of a problem by hearing and using refined instincts. The vibrating thought system within the meridian centre, the parasympathetic system, and the sympathetic system of the body can help balance endocrine glands, including, for example, pineal, thyroid, pancreas, adrenals, pituitary, and gonads. Looking at why certain diseases may develop, we can refine how energy is stored both outside and inside the body. This is the next intuitive skill, and it is called “refining energy.” The body is a hologram of meridian centers. 

Eliminating doubt can eliminate disease. Diseases  are caused by imperfections in our cells, which, when originally generated, were formed to perfection. However if cells that surround the perfect cells have been exposed to negativity - feelings of anger, resentment or jealously, for example-then by a process of osmosis, the perfectly formed cells take on that negatively and are rendered imperfect.

Being aware of the original causes of a physical malaise is the key to its elimination since you can track the origins of the disease, the trauma and the environment within the cells can be healed.

Katrina will demonstrate how she uses her intuitive abilities to heal a body. Included in the demonstration will be a medical intuitive scan of a body, intuitive questions to find the beginnings of an issue, and finally showing how to guide a person to find their own answers using the Direction Technique.

Each cell within the body not only has  energy but thoughts. At times a person can be carrying grief which then after so many years, can develop  physical illnesses or mental fatigue.

This course helps you trust how to remote view a body and enhance Medical Intuitive Skills. There will be guided visualization activities to help you  use Direction Technique to Remote View within a Body

Pancreas Gland

  • Protect and heal your stomach by releasing blocked energy in the pancreas

  • Aid the digestion process of lipids, proteins, sugars and starches

  • Balance Ph levels

  • Change any feelings or beliefs of defeat

  • Release any doubt

Adrenal Glands

  • Strengthen, balance & heal your Adrenal Glands to prevent exhaustion, fatigue and stress

  • Learn to be objective when intuiting questions

  • Learn to heal your own body & any negative thoughts

  • Develop your intuitive hearing and intuitive questions abilities

  • Calm the nervous system

  • X-ray vision or remote view your own body body

  • Activate the Potential of Your DNA

  • Expand your knowledge of the Direction Technique

Pituitary Gland

  • Prepare for a postive future

  • vibrate energy into the pituitary gland to have the ability to see and create your future

  • Learn to trust and be in the right place at the right time

  • Harmonise your body

  • Develop accurate prediction skills

  • Reduce unwanted thoughts by directing energy into the pons .

Train your visionary skills to observe the energy in the Adrenal, Pituitary, Pancreas Glands and stimulate energy for these three glands.
This course teaches you how to hologram (place stories behind why your body or mind develops illness, mental fatigue or tiredness).


Train your visionary skills to observe the energy in the Adrenal, Pituitary, Pancreas Glands and stimulate energy for these three glands.
This course teaches you how to hologram (Heal the stories, trauma or perceptions why your body or mind develops illness, mental fatigue or tiredness).

The concept of remote viewing the body is an ancient tradition in ancient medicine. To find the origin of a problem, one needs to train intuitive skills, or psychic knowledge. This can be done in numerous different ways. Call it an extra sense or developing and trusting the ability to use multiple new senses. Over the years, I have witnessed many new intuitive senses with people. Some people are confident to feel, see, visualize, know, smell, touch, and read the future. The skill of a medical intuitive knows how to track or trail a body’s anatomy system to find the origins of a problem by hearing and using refined instincts. The vibrating thought system within the meridian centre, the parasympathetic system, and the sympathetic system of the body can help balance endocrine glands, including, for example, pineal, thyroid, pancreas, adrenals, pituitary, and gonads. Looking at why certain diseases may develop, we can refine how energy is stored both outside and inside the body. This is the next intuitive skill, and it is called “refining energy.” The body is a hologram of meridian centres. 

Eliminating doubt can eliminate disease. Diseases  are caused by imperfections in our cells, which, when originally generated, were formed to perfection. However if cells that surround the perfect cells have been exposed to negativity - feelings of anger, resentment or jealously, for example-then by a process of osmosis, the perfectly formed cells take on that negatively and are rendered imperfect.

Being aware of the original causes of a physical malaise is the key to its elimination since you can track the origins of the disease, the trauma and the environment within the cells can be healed.

Katrina will demonstrate how she uses her intuitive abilities to heal a body. Included in the demonstration will be a medical intuitive scan of a body, intuitive questions to find the beginnings of an issue, and finally showing how to guide a person to find their own answers using the Direction Technique.

Each cell within the body not only has  energy but thoughts. At times a person can be carrying grief which then after so many years, can develop  physical illnesses or mental fatigue.

This course helps you trust how to remote view a body and enhance Medical Intuitive Skills. There will be guided visualization activities to help you  use Direction Technique to Remote View within a Body

Pancreas Gland

  • Protect and heal your stomach by releasing blocked energy in the pancreas

  • Aid the digestion process of lipids, proteins, sugars and starches

  • Balance Ph levels

  • Change any feelings or beliefs of defeat

  • Release any doubt

Adrenal Glands

  • Strengthen, balance & heal your Adrenal Glands to prevent exhaustion, fatigue and stress

  • Learn to be objective when intuiting questions

  • Learn to heal your own body & any negative thoughts

  • Develop your intuitive hearing and intuitive questions abilities

  • Calm the nervous system

  • X-ray vision or remote view your own body body

  • Activate the Potential of Your DNA

  • Expand your knowledge of the Direction Technique

Pituitary Gland

  • Prepare for a postive future

  • vibrate energy into the pituitary gland to have the ability to see and create your future

  • Learn to trust and be in the right place at the right time

  • Harmonise your body

  • Develop accurate prediction skills

  • Reduce unwanted thoughts by directing energy into the pons .

Train your visionary skills to observe the energy in the Adrenal, Pituitary, Pancreas Glands and stimulate energy for these three glands.
This course teaches you how to hologram (place stories behind why your body or mind develops illness, mental fatigue or tiredness).


Manifest Positive Energy in Your Body

Adrenal, Pituitary & Pancreas Glands

Medical Intuitive Skills for Your Physical Health



Body Anatomy Series: Endocrine System Aligning Your Glands

Develop Medical Intuitive Skills for Your Physical Health & Harmonise 7 Glands for Optimum Health

Pineal,  Pituitary, Reproductive, Thyroid Glands

  • Strengthen and balance your endocrine system through the pineal, reproductive, reproductive & thyroid glands

  • Easy steps to bring energy into your body

  • Learn the Functions of the pituitary, pineal, reproductive and thyroid glands

  • Harmonise your nervous system

  • Visualise inside your own body and track blocked energy within the glands

  • Learn how to /X-ray vision inside a body to Enhance Medical Intuitive skills

  • Pituitary Gland - Prepare to be a Visionary for Your Future

  • Energise the Reproductive Glands & Balance Your Hormone

  •  Direct your abilities to use the Direction Technique to heal your body

  • Find stability in your home, personal life, your body and your environment

Medical Intuitive Level 2


Strategies for Feeling Overwhelmed, Frustrated or Exhausted
This workshop teaches you to understand how to recognise what is influencing you in your life and find ways to reduce the feelings of overwhelm and frustration. 

If you want to know how to be in the world, enjoy, life, know who you, gain strength within, and retrain your mind to observe situations, rather than react to situations, then the "Direction Technique " workshop is for you!

What do you do  to handle life's challenges.....

  • When you are feeling traumatised

  • When suddenly your body feels disconnected and your open to negative thinking and illnesses.

  • When you are feeling stuck in life and want some direction and hope

  • When you are trying to cope.

    You can change these feelings by learning the Direction Technique that helps not only balance your body, so you can manage your situation, but gives you everyday strategies or simple tips to know what to do to bring harmony into your life

There is opportunity to create positive changes for yourself, that will ripple through your life. 
Would you like to help yourself to feel calm, balanced and bring inner peace into your life?

Medical Intuitive Level 2


This workshop teaches you to understand how to recognise what is influencing you in your life and find ways to reduce the feelings of overwhelm and frustration. 

If you want to know how to be in the world, enjoy, life, know who you, gain strength within, and retrain your mind to observe situations, rather than react to situations, then the "Direction Technique " workshop is for you!

This  workshop will help you to continue your training using the Direction Technique™ to not only heal yourself, but everyone around you. 

You will follow these easy steps to:

This Direction Technique workshop teaches you to understand how to recognise what is influencing you in your life and find ways to reduce the feelings of overwhelm and frustration. 

Included in the three hour workshop:

  • Be comfortable with yourself in a situation

  • Remove trauma out of your body

  • Know when to take action and wait for answers

  • Notice what habits you have that enhance your feelings of overwhelm or frustration

  • Create a space you can hold for your own

  • Discover what is your thoughts amongst others

  • Lead your life

  • Understand when to observe situations before reacting

  • Understand clarity of thought. "what are you carrying in your life and is it yours?

  • How work, family, social situations affect your health, mental and physical health

  • Understand when to observe situations and when to observe before reacting

  • Learn effective decision making skills

  • Find out how to be empathic wisely

  • How work, family, social situations affect your health, mental and physical health

  • Use the Direction Technique to heal the beginnings of feelings frustration, overwhelm and find strategies and direction in life to make the changes immediately

  • Online Membership Group

  • Certificate of Completion for Level 1 – Medical Intuitive

I have had the fortunate opportunity to teach, heal and observe many people in many countries. I feel so blessed to be given those opportunities, wealth of experiences and want to deliver this knowledge to you in this course. We will deepen your knowledge aboutteleportation, activating your thyroid, protection and learn how to observe historical events objectively. I want to show you how group thinking does and can affect your life. You can learn how to be yourself within groups and have choices. Really, this course is essential for you to further your studies in training your intuition. We will understand how to use gut instincts, and know how to be in the world, how to communicate in the world, and how to be involved in the world.

Whatever your profession is, a healer, a CEO, a housekeeper, a mother, father, etc, completing this course will prepare you to lead your life and refine the ability to master your own energy and master your own destiny

If you proceed to completing the Body Balance and Harmonise Your Glands courses, you will be fully prepared to change your life using the Direction Technique™ not only on yourself, but for others.

I am honored to share this knowledge to you and help you find truth in your life. I do the Direction Technique™on myself everyday and now find others are too.

Have you ever thought you may of made the wrong decision?  The best thing you can do is make decision in times of crisis without the effects of confusing group thinking. This has changed my life. I now wait, observe, focus and have a clear thought process to make the best decision for my soul's purpose

Group thinking

It is very important to observe, and understand if group thinking is affecting your life now. Of course it is important to be in the present, however the past and the future is equally important. Old patterns of behaviour can be changed,  shock and trauma can be removed from the body.


The Direction Technique course presented by Katrina Jean Taylor taught me the significance of making the right decision at the right time in the right dimension.  After participating in these invigorating expansive learning sessions I feel my world is waking up! My confidence with people and communicating the ability to choose to shed limitations has grown unceasingly. I realize daily the significance of divine timing and clear perspectives. My loyalty to myself has become vital and choosing Truth over Drama avails me a peace I have never known. I am excited about the healthy new neuron pathways that I am growing and the co creativity that I perceive in my future. In designing her How group thinking affects your life course, Katrina has opened a divine doorway of opportunity which offers solace to every Soul. I feel Blessed to have experienced her loving Guidance."
With eternal appreciation
Suellen Edwards Direction Technique(TM) Practitioner 0413050354

I have been practicing healing for the past five years and my understanding of healing in this world has come to a complete circle since doing this course. Everything I have been doing and planning before made sense and these events had led me to doing the Direction Technique course with Katrina.

This Direction Technique Course has taught me how to heal my past, present and future time(s) in the now. We have infinite choices and choosing to heal the critical times in our lives opens up many more pathways. Being multidimensional is the key component I have learned from Katrina’s teachings.  This I have felt has left me feeling more grounded and I am alot more at ease in all situations around me. I have found I am being in the right place at the right time and choosing to interact rather than react to situations. My body feels lighter and more energy is being converted in my body as my thyroid gland feels healthier.

Katrina has always demonstrated the highest integrity and it is apparent in her own manuals she has written as well as teaching in her workshops. Her passion for life, her family, friends and her own journey in healing shines through to her way teaching. Katrina thrives on success of her own students, her dedication to her students, the compassion and love she shows makes learning always a joy with Katrina.
~ Joyce Pereira-Hellmuth

The Direction Technique course is both empowering and insightful, providing access to other dimensions, times and offering another level with which we can heal ourselves, the collective consciousness, the planet, countries, situations, events – there are no limits.

The teachings are very powerful while at the same time very humbling – a transformational experience. Katrina is an amazing teacher, an angel on this earth, who teaches from the heart in a space of wisdom and compassion. I would highly recommend the course.
JacquelineHealing Centre 043861773

This Direction Technique workshop teaches you to understand how to recognise what is influencing you in your life and find ways to reduce the feelings of overwhelm and frustration. 

Included in the three hour workshop:

  • Be comfortable with yourself in a situation

  • Know when to take action and wait for answers

  • Notice what habits you have that enhance your stress and fatigue

  • Create a space you can hold for your own

  • Discover what is your thoughts amongst others

  • Lead your life

  • Understand when to observe situations before reacting

  • Develop empathy and use it wisely

  • Understand clarity of thought. "what are you carrying in your life and is it yours?"

  • Know when to take action and wait for answers

  • How work, family, social situations affect your health, mental and physical health

  • Use the Direction Technique to heal the beginnings of Exhaustion and fatigue

I have had the fortunate opportunity to teach, heal and observe many people in many countries. I feel so blessed to be given those opportunities, wealth of experiences and want to deliver this knowledge to you in this course. We will deepen your knowledge about teleportation, activate your thyroid gland, learn how to observe events that cause stress objectively. I want to show you how group thinking does and can affect your life. You can learn how to be yourself within groups and have choices. Really, this course is essential for you to further your studies in training your intuition. We will understand how to use gut instincts, and know how to be yourself in all situations in your life.

Whatever your profession is, a healer, a CEO, a housekeeper, a mother, father, etc, completing this course will prepare you to lead your life and  to master your own energy.

I am honored to share this knowledge to you and help you find truth in your life.

Have you ever thought you may of made the wrong decision. We will use the Direction Technique™ to heal a time you thought you made a wrong decision or took the wrong action. The best thing you can do is make decision in times of crisis without the effects of confusing group thinking. This has changed my life. I now wait, observe, focus and have a clear thought process to make the best decision for my soul's purpose

Group thinking

It is very important to observe, and understand if group thinking is affecting your life now. Of course it is important to be in the present, however the past and the future is equally important. Old patterns of behaviour can be changed,  shock and trauma can be removed from the body.


The Direction Technique course presented by Katrina Jean Taylor taught me the significance of making the right decision at the right time in the right dimension.  After participating in these invigorating expansive learning sessions I feel my world is waking up! My confidence with people and communicating the ability to choose to shed limitations has grown unceasingly. I realize daily the significance of divine timing and clear perspectives. My loyalty to myself has become vital and choosing Truth over Drama avails me a peace I have never known. I am excited about the healthy new neuron pathways that I am growing and the co creativity that I perceive in my future. In designing her How group thinking affects your life course, Katrina has opened a divine doorway of opportunity which offers solace to every Soul. I feel Blessed to have experienced her loving Guidance."
With eternal appreciation
Suellen Edwards Direction Technique(TM) Practitioner 0413050354

I have been practicing healing for the past five years and my understanding of healing in this world has come to a complete circle since doing this course. Everything I have been doing and planning before made sense and these events had led me to doing the Direction Technique courses with Katrina.

The courses have taught me how to heal my past, present and future time(s) in the now. We have infinite choices and choosing to heal the critical times in our lives opens up many more pathways. Being multidimensional is the key component I have learned from Katrina’s teachings.  This I have felt has left me feeling more grounded and I am alot more at ease in all situations around me. I have found I am being in the right place at the right time and choosing to interact rather than react to situations. My body feels lighter and more energy is being converted in my body as my thyroid gland feels healthier.

Katrina has always demonstrated the highest integrity in her workshops. Her passion for life, her family, friends and her own journey in healing shines through to her way teaching. Katrina thrives on success of her own students, her dedication to her students, the compassion and love she shows makes learning always a joy with Katrina.
~ Joyce Pereira-Hellmuth

The Direction Technique course is both empowering and insightful, providing access to other dimensions, times and offering another level with which we can heal ourselves, the collective consciousness, the planet, countries, situations, events – there are no limits.
The teachings are very powerful while at the same time very humbling – a transformational experience. Katrina is an amazing teacher, an angel on this earth, who teaches from the heart in a space of wisdom and compassion. I would highly recommend the course.
JacquelineHealing Centre 043861773


Adrenal Glands

  • Strengthen, balance & heal your Adrenal Glands to prevent exhaustion, fatigue and stress

  • Learn to be objective when intuiting questions

  • Know how you can be yorself in all situations in your life.

  • Learn to heal your own body & any negative thoughts

  • Develop your intuitive hearing and intuitive questions abilities

  • Calm the nervous system

  • X-ray vision or remote view your own body body

  • Activate the Potential of Your DNA

  • Expand your knowledge of the Direction Technique

This workshop teaches you to understand how to recognise what is influencing you in your life and find ways to reduce the feelings of overwhelm and frustration. 

If you want to know how to be in the world, enjoy, life, know who you, gain strength within, and retrain your mind to observe situations, rather than react to situations, then the "Direction Technique " workshop is for you!

This  workshop will help you to continue your training using the Direction Technique™ to not only heal yourself, but everyone around you. 

You will follow these easy steps to:

This Direction Technique workshop teaches you to understand how to recognise what is influencing you in your life and find ways to reduce the feelings of overwhelm and frustration. 

Included in the three hour workshop:

  • Be comfortable with yourself in a situation

  • Know when to take action and wait for answers

  • Notice what habits you have that enhance your feelings of overwhelm or frustration

  • Create a space you can hold for your own

  • Discover what is your thoughts amongst others

  • Lead your life

  • Understand when to observe situations before reacting

  • Understand clarity of thought. "what are you carrying in your life and is it yours?

  • How work, family, social situations affect your health, mental and physical health

  • Understand when to observe situations and when to observe before reacting

  • Learn effective decision making skills

  • Find out how to be empathic wisely

  • How work, family, social situations affect your health, mental and physical health

  • Use the Direction Technique to heal the beginnings of feelings frustration, overwhelm and find strategies and direction in life to make the changes immediately

I have had the fortunate opportunity to teach, heal and observe many people in many countries. I feel so blessed to be given those opportunities, wealth of experiences and want to deliver this knowledge to you in this course. We will deepen your knowledge aboutteleportation, activating your thyroid, protection and learn how to observe historical events objectively. I want to show you how group thinking does and can affect your life. You can learn how to be yourself within groups and have choices. Really, this course is essential for you to further your studies in training your intuition. We will understand how to use gut instincts, and know how to be in the world, how to communicate in the world, and how to be involved in the world.

Whatever your profession is, a healer, a CEO, a housekeeper, a mother, father, etc, completing this course will prepare you to lead your life and refine the ability to master your own energy and master your own destiny

If you proceed to completing the Body Balance and Harmonise Your Glands courses, you will be fully prepared to change your life using the Direction Technique™ not only on yourself, but for others.

I am honored to share this knowledge to you and help you find truth in your life. I do the Direction Technique™on myself everyday and now find others are too.

Have you ever thought you may of made the wrong decision?  The best thing you can do is make decision in times of crisis without the effects of confusing group thinking. This has changed my life. I now wait, observe, focus and have a clear thought process to make the best decision for my soul's purpose

Group thinking

It is very important to observe, and understand if group thinking is affecting your life now. Of course it is important to be in the present, however the past and the future is equally important. Old patterns of behaviour can be changed,  shock and trauma can be removed from the body.


The Direction Technique course presented by Katrina Jean Taylor taught me the significance of making the right decision at the right time in the right dimension.  After participating in these invigorating expansive learning sessions I feel my world is waking up! My confidence with people and communicating the ability to choose to shed limitations has grown unceasingly. I realize daily the significance of divine timing and clear perspectives. My loyalty to myself has become vital and choosing Truth over Drama avails me a peace I have never known. I am excited about the healthy new neuron pathways that I am growing and the co creativity that I perceive in my future. In designing her How group thinking affects your life course, Katrina has opened a divine doorway of opportunity which offers solace to every Soul. I feel Blessed to have experienced her loving Guidance."
With eternal appreciation
Suellen Edwards Direction Technique(TM) Practitioner 0413050354

I have been practicing healing for the past five years and my understanding of healing in this world has come to a complete circle since doing this course. Everything I have been doing and planning before made sense and these events had led me to doing the Direction Technique course with Katrina.

This Direction Technique Course has taught me how to heal my past, present and future time(s) in the now. We have infinite choices and choosing to heal the critical times in our lives opens up many more pathways. Being multidimensional is the key component I have learned from Katrina’s teachings.  This I have felt has left me feeling more grounded and I am alot more at ease in all situations around me. I have found I am being in the right place at the right time and choosing to interact rather than react to situations. My body feels lighter and more energy is being converted in my body as my thyroid gland feels healthier.

Katrina has always demonstrated the highest integrity and it is apparent in her own manuals she has written as well as teaching in her workshops. Her passion for life, her family, friends and her own journey in healing shines through to her way teaching. Katrina thrives on success of her own students, her dedication to her students, the compassion and love she shows makes learning always a joy with Katrina.
~ Joyce Pereira-Hellmuth

The Direction Technique course is both empowering and insightful, providing access to other dimensions, times and offering another level with which we can heal ourselves, the collective consciousness, the planet, countries, situations, events – there are no limits.

The teachings are very powerful while at the same time very humbling – a transformational experience. Katrina is an amazing teacher, an angel on this earth, who teaches from the heart in a space of wisdom and compassion. I would highly recommend the course.
JacquelineHealing Centre 043861773

This Direction Technique workshop teaches you to understand how to recognise what is influencing you in your life and find ways to reduce the feelings of overwhelm and frustration. 

Included in the three hour workshop:

  • Be comfortable with yourself in a situation

  • Know when to take action and wait for answers

  • Notice what habits you have that enhance your stress and fatigue

  • Create a space you can hold for your own

  • Discover what is your thoughts amongst others

  • Lead your life

  • Understand when to observe situations before reacting

  • Develop empathy and use it wisely

  • Understand clarity of thought. "what are you carrying in your life and is it yours?"

  • Know when to take action and wait for answers

  • How work, family, social situations affect your health, mental and physical health

  • Use the Direction Technique to heal the beginnings of Exhaustion and fatigue

I have had the fortunate opportunity to teach, heal and observe many people in many countries. I feel so blessed to be given those opportunities, wealth of experiences and want to deliver this knowledge to you in this course. We will deepen your knowledge about teleportation, activate your thyroid gland, learn how to observe events that cause stress objectively. I want to show you how group thinking does and can affect your life. You can learn how to be yourself within groups and have choices. Really, this course is essential for you to further your studies in training your intuition. We will understand how to use gut instincts, and know how to be yourself in all situations in your life.

Whatever your profession is, a healer, a CEO, a housekeeper, a mother, father, etc, completing this course will prepare you to lead your life and  to master your own energy.

I am honored to share this knowledge to you and help you find truth in your life.

Have you ever thought you may of made the wrong decision. We will use the Direction Technique™ to heal a time you thought you made a wrong decision or took the wrong action. The best thing you can do is make decision in times of crisis without the effects of confusing group thinking. This has changed my life. I now wait, observe, focus and have a clear thought process to make the best decision for my soul's purpose

Group thinking

It is very important to observe, and understand if group thinking is affecting your life now. Of course it is important to be in the present, however the past and the future is equally important. Old patterns of behaviour can be changed,  shock and trauma can be removed from the body.


The Direction Technique course presented by Katrina Jean Taylor taught me the significance of making the right decision at the right time in the right dimension.  After participating in these invigorating expansive learning sessions I feel my world is waking up! My confidence with people and communicating the ability to choose to shed limitations has grown unceasingly. I realize daily the significance of divine timing and clear perspectives. My loyalty to myself has become vital and choosing Truth over Drama avails me a peace I have never known. I am excited about the healthy new neuron pathways that I am growing and the co creativity that I perceive in my future. In designing her How group thinking affects your life course, Katrina has opened a divine doorway of opportunity which offers solace to every Soul. I feel Blessed to have experienced her loving Guidance."
With eternal appreciation
Suellen Edwards Direction Technique(TM) Practitioner 0413050354

I have been practicing healing for the past five years and my understanding of healing in this world has come to a complete circle since doing this course. Everything I have been doing and planning before made sense and these events had led me to doing the Direction Technique courses with Katrina.

The courses have taught me how to heal my past, present and future time(s) in the now. We have infinite choices and choosing to heal the critical times in our lives opens up many more pathways. Being multidimensional is the key component I have learned from Katrina’s teachings.  This I have felt has left me feeling more grounded and I am alot more at ease in all situations around me. I have found I am being in the right place at the right time and choosing to interact rather than react to situations. My body feels lighter and more energy is being converted in my body as my thyroid gland feels healthier.

Katrina has always demonstrated the highest integrity in her workshops. Her passion for life, her family, friends and her own journey in healing shines through to her way teaching. Katrina thrives on success of her own students, her dedication to her students, the compassion and love she shows makes learning always a joy with Katrina.
~ Joyce Pereira-Hellmuth

The Direction Technique course is both empowering and insightful, providing access to other dimensions, times and offering another level with which we can heal ourselves, the collective consciousness, the planet, countries, situations, events – there are no limits.
The teachings are very powerful while at the same time very humbling – a transformational experience. Katrina is an amazing teacher, an angel on this earth, who teaches from the heart in a space of wisdom and compassion. I would highly recommend the course.
JacquelineHealing Centre 043861773


Train your visionary skills to observe the energy in the Adrenal, Pituitary, Pancreas Glands and stimulate energy for these three glands.
This course teaches you how to hologram (Heal the stories, trauma or perceptions why your body or mind develops illness, mental fatigue or tiredness).

The concept of remote viewing the body is an ancient tradition in ancient medicine. To find the origin of a problem, one needs to train intuitive skills, or psychic knowledge. This can be done in numerous different ways. Call it an extra sense or developing and trusting the ability to use multiple new senses. Over the years, I have witnessed many new intuitive senses with people. Some people are confident to feel, see, visualize, know, smell, touch, and read the future. The skill of a medical intuitive knows how to track or trail a body’s anatomy system to find the origins of a problem by hearing and using refined instincts. The vibrating thought system within the meridian centre, the parasympathetic system, and the sympathetic system of the body can help balance endocrine glands, including, for example, pineal, thyroid, pancreas, adrenals, pituitary, and gonads. Looking at why certain diseases may develop, we can refine how energy is stored both outside and inside the body. This is the next intuitive skill, and it is called “refining energy.” The body is a hologram of meridian centres. 

Eliminating doubt can eliminate disease. Diseases  are caused by imperfections in our cells, which, when originally generated, were formed to perfection. However if cells that surround the perfect cells have been exposed to negativity - feelings of anger, resentment or jealously, for example-then by a process of osmosis, the perfectly formed cells take on that negatively and are rendered imperfect.

Being aware of the original causes of a physical malaise is the key to its elimination since you can track the origins of the disease, the trauma and the environment within the cells can be healed.

Katrina will demonstrate how she uses her intuitive abilities to heal a body. Included in the demonstration will be a medical intuitive scan of a body, intuitive questions to find the beginnings of an issue, and finally showing how to guide a person to find their own answers using the Direction Technique.

Each cell within the body not only has  energy but thoughts. At times a person can be carrying grief which then after so many years, can develop  physical illnesses or mental fatigue.

This course helps you trust how to remote view a body and enhance Medical Intuitive Skills. There will be guided visualization activities to help you  use Direction Technique to Remote View within a Body

Pancreas Gland

  • Protect and heal your stomach by releasing blocked energy in the pancreas

  • Aid the digestion process of lipids, proteins, sugars and starches

  • Balance Ph levels

  • Change any feelings or beliefs of defeat

  • Release any doubt

Pituitary Gland

  • Prepare for a postive future

  • vibrate energy into the pituitary gland to have the ability to see and create your future

  • Learn to trust and be in the right place at the right time

  • Harmonise your body

  • Develop accurate prediction skills

  • Reduce unwanted thoughts by directing energy into the pons .

Train your visionary skills to observe the energy in the Adrenal, Pituitary, Pancreas Glands and stimulate energy for these three glands.
This course teaches you how to hologram (place stories behind why your body or mind develops illness, mental fatigue or tiredness).

Medical Intuitive Skills for Your Physical Health



  • Awaken your psychic abilities

  • Learn how to be in the right place at the right time

  • Learn how to help you make decisions in times of crises and in everyday life

  • Recognise when thoughts affect your immunity

  • Learn how the virus affects your thoughts

  • Develop effective strategies to make clear decisions for your future

  • Train your intuitive energy to enhance the growth of neurones in your brain for healing

  • Hear tones to heal your body

  • Be one step ahead of the virus

  • Meditation to harmonise the 7 glands in your body

  • Learn how the Direction Technique can calm your nervous system and glands

  • Have the ability to see your own future using your intuitive senses

  • Learn how group thinking attracts illness

  • Discover how thoughts affect your immunity

  • Heal the beliefs that affect your immunity

  • Heal the beliefs that attract Herpes, shingles, chicken pox and new strains of viruses

  • Be strong around group thinking when the Influenza affects your nervous system

  • Learn how Sound Vibrations heal cells in the body

  • Rid the confusion in your life
